Case Study

How We 4x'd A Computer Refurbisher's ROAS In 90 Days With Facebook Ads


This client is a computer refurbishing company in the UK that reached out to us after visiting our YouTube channel. After the impactful changes of IOS14, the client found difficulty in managing Facebook ads, generating new solutions to their advertising problem while remaining profitable. In the end, they have a company to run and Facebook ads were becoming more and more difficult to keep up with.

Sales Before & After

working with vertex

results from June 7th to July 6th, 2022

Facebook Ad Campaign Results

results from Sept 7th to Oct 6th, 2022

Facebook Ad Campaign Results


Increase in ROAS


Decrease in CPA


Increase in orders

Situation at the time

The company had been in business for just over 2 years and Facebook ads were its main source of traffic and revenue generator. So, reducing CPA and increasing overall ROAS was very important.

After dealing with other agencies and having a not-so-good experience, we knew our agency could turn these results around. And we did!

This case study will cover the steps we took to turn this Facebook ad account around and get these amazing results (with an even SMALLER ad spend!!)

  • 251.5% increase in ROAS

  • 64.9% decrease in CPA

  • 184.81% increase in orders

Campaign Before

working with vertex

  • Too many campaigns running with the same objective, relatively similar audiences and all the same ad in each of the ad sets
  • Budget is spread too thin, campaigns stuck in learning and no campaign dedicated to testing
  • Not optimal for Facebook to optimize campaigns

Campaign After

 working with vertex

  • Consolidated all campaign into 1 sales campaign optimizing for purchases
  • Consolidated budget into 1 campaign
  • Separate campaign dedicate tocreative testing
  • PROS: easier to read data, make changes

Ad Set Before

working with vertex

  • 1 campaign has far too many ad sets
  • budget spread too thin across all ad sets
  • outdated Facebook advertising strategy

Ad Set After

working with vertex

  • 1 campaign has far too many ad sets
  • budget spread too thin across all ad sets
  • outdated Facebook advertising strategy

Ad Creatives Before

working with vertex

  • All campaigns had the same ads running
  • Only 1 format was used
  • Ad and copy not updated

Ad Creatives After

working with vertex

  • After consolidating all campaigns into 1, increasing the budget and broadening targeting, the main focus was producing better creatives

  • Focused on the compelling offer and hooks

  • Updated copy to new, finger-stopping copy

  • Tested various types of formats (long + Short form video, images, carousel…)

  • Continuously improved creatives based on new, best-performers

    Sales Before & After

    working with vertex

    results from June 7th to July 6th, 2022

    Facebook Ad Campaign Results

    results from Sept 7th to Oct 6th, 2022

    Facebook Ad Campaign Results


    Increase in ROAS


    Decrease in CPA


    Increase in orders

    Want to see the same results for your business?

    Get In Touch with us

    5-2164 Montreal Road Unit #8052
    Ottawa, ON K1J 1G4
    (613) 898-0373

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