In October of 2021, Mark Zuckerberg and his team released a video to announce the company’s name change from Facebook to Meta, which is a clear indication of what is to come: The metaverse.

“Meta? What does it mean? What’s the metaverse? What does it mean for my business?” you may be frantically asking yourself. And more importantly: is the buzz around this name change a Fad or the future?  

It’s the future, and the name isn’t the only thing that’s changing. 

What Is Meta?

Meta Platforms Inc. is the new, all encompassing name of the company previously known as Facebook Inc. 

On top of Facebook, the company now owns Messenger, Whatsapp, Instagram and renowned virtual reality company, Oculus. This means that they own virtual and augmented reality technology.

Zuckerberg and his team recently released a video on the name change below: 

As we learned from Meta’s recent video announcements, the company hopes to develop a virtual reality experience in what you will come to know as the metaverse. 

What Is Augmented Reality?

Also known as AR, augmented reality allows you to see 3D designs and animations over top of physical objects in your camera. 

The designs will appear differently based on angles and distance, as if they were physically there. If you’ve ever used snapchat filters, you’ve used augmented reality. Some street artists are already applying AR to their murals which you can see in the video linked below. 

In the future, Meta is planning to create augmented reality glasses that will allow the user to see the real world, with virtual elements on top. 

What Is Virtual Reality?

Man wearing VR headest in Metaverse
Commonly known as VR, virtual reality is a simulated, three-dimensional viewing experience that requires a headset (or at least for now). 

Just like AR, the objects around you will appear differently based on angles and distance, as if they were physically there. However, instead of overlapping 3D designs onto reality, this is completely virtual. It gives you a real feeling of presence.

Today’s technology allows you to turn your head for a dynamic, 360 view of the simulation using a VR headset.

Graph depicting the nuber of active virtual reality users worldwide from 2014 to 2018 (in millions)
Source of image:, Is Virtual Reality Real? Looking into the Future. 

What Is the Metaverse?

Derived from the Greek words meta (beyond) and verse (universe), it is a universe that is beyond our current physical reality, made up of numerous virtual worlds. It will have everything that you have in real life and more, which you can explore as your avatar. This includes things like: 

  • Avatar design 
  • Home design
  • Fitness programs
  • Meetings and chat rooms
  • Entertainments
  • Games 
  • Shopping 
  • Travel
And more! All of these examples can be seen in the 2018 futuristic film Ready Player One, which shows a rather plausible estimate of the future of virtual reality. 

The metaverse will have all of the world’s companies in one virtual place. 

But what’s so valuable about it? What will a user be able to do in the metaverse? 

The company’s goal is “to bring the metaverse to life and help people connect, find communities and grow businesses.” 

Gaming in the metaverse (virtual reality)

What Will Business Be Able to Do in the Metaverse?

Service Industry

With the creation of a new, virtual world, the metaverse will provide growth opportunities for new, and old businesses. Let’s cover a few ways the metaverse will provide ways for businesses to make money!

Shopping: What’s in Store?

From psychotherapy to rock climbing lessons, services will undoubtedly have a presence in the metaverse. What’s more, real world material goods may dwindle in value, making services that require human connection even more valuable. 
Just like the real world, the metaverse will have stores, outlets, and ways to shop! Can’t afford a physical store? No problem, you will have the opportunity to open a virtual one!

Even if you do have physical stores, it’s good to look into building a presence in the metaverse because it may soon become the preferred method of shopping (just like the internet).

An independent creator even designed an AR replica of a Louis Vuitton store that can be viewed using an Instagram filter. This shows the potential of the virtual market.

Here is the original store in New York City: 

Green Louis-Vuitton store recreated into an instagram filter by AR engineer and Youtuber "Doddz"
Green Louis-Vuitton store recreated into an instagram filter by AR engineer and Youtuber "Doddz"
To add, Dyson recently announced their plans for a VR store where users can test out Dyson technology in the company of a sales representative. 

Users will be able to try out products like clothing or accessories and purchase them for their avatar or have them shipped home to use in real life! 

You’ll also be able to add captivating creative elements to your store that are only conceivable in the virtual world. 

If there’s one thing your business should focus on in the metaverse, it’s shopping. It will be the most impactful component for businesses, allowing them to sell their products in two different worlds. 

Already, companies like Project Archer exist as VR design agencies in the retail industry.


In the gaming industry of the metaverse, businesses might benefit from selling their products as digital items that can be used or worn.  

You may want to partner with games in the metaverse to either advertise or sell products that can be used in the game such as: 

  • Skins (clothing and accessories) 
  • Weapons and tools 
  • Transportation (cars, bikes, boats, etc.) 
  • Consumables and meds  (food and beverages like energy drinks can be featured in games, as they’re often used to boost avatar health) 

Gaming companies like Epic Games, Minecraft and Nintendo are currently buying land in the metaverse, and there is opportunity for collaboration. Realistically, this may be difficult if your business is small, but it’s something to keep in mind. We all start from somewhere!

Virtual Reality gaming in the metaverse and what it means for businesses
This past May, Gucci introduced a purse in Roblox (online game) that actually cost more than the item in real life. Yep… you read that right. 

Roblox and Fortnight players can pay using V-bucks, the game’s currency which maintains an actual dollar value. The Metaverse will most likely have a similar virtual economy using cryptocurrencies. 


In November of 2021, Justin Bieber held a virtual concert for his fans, among countless other artists. You can check out the Horizon Venues Event Lineup to find more virtual events. 

Just think of the possible forms of entertainment that could be brought to VR: 

  • Concerts
  • Night clubs
  • Bars
  • Escape rooms
  • Sports (golf, bowling, Axe throwing, rock climbing…)
  • Comedy 
  • Premiering movie theatres
  • Streaming services (movies and shows)
  • Theatre

And a lot more! 

Recently, Disney CEO Bob Chapek even mentioned the metaverse: 

 “Our efforts to date are merely a prologue to a time when we’ll be able to connect the physical and digital worlds even more closely, allowing for storytelling without boundaries in our own Disney metaverse”

Entertainment (movies, shows, events) in the metaverse
So… how can businesses benefit from this? 

If you aren’t in the entertainment industry, you could still benefit from the traffic it brings in. Meta will most likely have a way of running ads that will be personalized to the interest of the user, just like Facebook. 

It might also be similar to the kind of advertisement we see in everyday life. Users may come across 

    • Commercials: Ads before the movie stars in the virtual theatre
    • Sponsorships: A word from Justin Beiber about the night’s sponsor before his virtual concert
    • Product placement: Sponsored use of products or services in the media. 

Whether you’re part of the entertainment industry or sponsoring it, this is already an area that is taking off in the metaverse.

Interior Design

“Imagine. You put on your glasses or headset and you’re instantly in your homespace” said Mark Zuckerburg in his promotional Metaverse video.

He’s referring to Horizon Home, a software in the metaverse that allows users to create a 3D homespace.

Virtual Home design in the metaverse
For example, a user might place a digital version of an IKEA coffee table in their virtual living room. They may eventually like it so much that they buy one for their real living room! If your business offers products for the home, you might want to corner the market! 

With the technology available today, IKEA offers a 3D floor plan design for their customers. The Metaverse provides businesses in this industry a whole new world where they can help avatars build the home of their dreams. 

Work in the Metaverse

Without talking too much about Covid-19, it’s worth the mention that remote work may be here to stay. Right now, your business can hold virtual meetings with Zoom. 

The metaverse steps that up with virtual reality meetings. Rather than a 2-dimensional Zoom room, you can be face to face with your teammates, inside your VR headset, similar to VR chat rooms. As the technology evolves, places like Horizon Workrooms (probably many more will emerge) will offer a whole new world of VR to explore.

Virtual reality can be used in work and office settings in the metavers
Meta hopes to introduce AR glasses that would allow you to swipe through a holographic desktop as you take notes on a real piece of paper, all without removing the eyewear.
Companies in the metaverse industry are working on augmented reality glasses that can be used for work and office settings
They also seem to include a feeling of presence in the work space with your coworkers in the form of holograms. You could quickly ask your boss a question, or attend a meeting without leaving your seat. 

If office space becomes too costly for your business, this may be a good option to look into. 

How Will Marketing Work in the Metaverse?

We’ve already seen how each industry in the metaverse has an opportunity for marketing, but there may be other ways to market in this new world.  

Think : “Who is the customer here?”

When it comes to social media, the content is free for users, since businesses can run ads. That’s how the platform can be free – because the traffic the platform brings costs money for advertisers. The way in which businesses will advertise in the metaverse will depend entirely on the style of user experience. 

Since companies are able to purchase land, their means of getting revenue may be up to them. They could do one or a combination of the things in this list:  

  • Charge their visitors upon entry, like a club. 
  • Offer a premium membership option.
  • Make money by selling products and/or services on the land they own, like a store.
  • Make their land free, but get revenue from advertisers.

But how will businesses run ads in this virtual world?


Just like in real life, users can visit TimeSquare and find an array of billboards. In the Metaverse, places with high traffic will be hotspots for not only billboards, but posters, banners, murals, and more! If someone is interested, they will most likely be able to teleport to your store or website after seeing your billboard.

You can already find this type of advertisement in games like FIFA Mobile. 


Snoop Dogg owns a rather large spot of land in the metaverse, but we’re not quite sure what he’s doing with it. The main thing to retain is that the metaverse is for everyone, celebrity or not. 

People buy from people they adore and trust, and influencers build a much stronger bond with their audience than with other forms of media. You can also find the right ambassador for your brand; an influencer who cares about the product or service and will therefore attract an audience that does too. 

So what will they do in the metaverse? 

  • Meet and greets 
  • Live shows 
  • “Let’s plays” from gamers in a live setting
  • Interviews 

How can you advertise your business with influencers? The same way we do now. Try one or a combination of these techniques: 

  • Brand deals (free products for the influencer) 
  • Paid brand endorsements 
  • Promo codes 
  • Sponsored live events 

Product Placement

As you’ve surely seen in past examples, it’s worthwhile to design digital versions of your products and sponsor their placement in a high traffic spot of the metaverse, or sell them for personal use in the Metaverse.

For example, Nike and Adidas already supply sports teams with free gear that millions of fans will see and want to buy. The same is possible virtually.


What if… and hear me out… your website was a three-dimensional place? At that point, your website could become a store, or anything you want. If your company offers a service like massages for example, you could create a website that replicates the exact atmosphere of your spa!

What Is the Future of Business In The Metaverse?

When Facebook first came out in 2004, lots of companies ignored it, taking it more for a trend that would die down. The forward thinking brands who saw it as the place where trends occur took advantage of the platform and built a strong presence on it. 

People will be spending money in the metaverse, most likely in the form of cryptocurrency. As people’s work, home, social life, hobbies, and errands will start to take place in the virtual world, objects in that world may become more valuable than those in real life. 

Headsets will be more affordable and the technology will become more advanced. This means that access to the metaverse will soon become mainstream, but it may take a while. Zuckerburg himself estimated that the tech won’t become mainstream for another 5-10 years. When it does, will your business be ready? 

The metaverse will only get more competitive as time goes by, so don’t let it pass you by. As soon as you can, look into what you can do with your business.  

So what’s the future of the metaverse? The metaverse is the future.  

About The Author:
Kiera Morneault

Kiera Morneault

Growth Specialist

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