What came first? The chicken, or the Ads manager? 

If you’re confused, you’ve come to the right place. It can sometimes be hard to tell what’s what in the vast world of Facebook buzzwords. 

In this article, we’ll be explaining what the difference is between Facebook ads manager and business manager. Plus, we’ll even show you how to navigate them, add users, and launch a campaign.

You can skip to any section in the directory below. 



If your prefer watching videos, you can find my video on the topic here: 


What is Facebook Ads Manager?

Facebook ads manager can only be used to manage ads, ads are a piece of content that you can pay to promote a certain product or service. Ads manager only manages ads and no other aspect of the business. Here is a list of things you can do with it:

Create campaigns, ad sets and ads. Facebook offers a step-by-step design process where you can customize your format, placement, target audience and marketing objective. 

Experiment. Use A/B split testing to test different ad sets. This means that you can run ads side-by-side and compare results. 

Edit your settings for your ads at any point during their time running. 

Manage multiple campaigns, audiences and ads at once by navigating through ads manager

Watch the magic happen. Customize, create and schedule reports about your ad’s performance! Facebook offers standard, customizable reports and the option to create one from scratch. 

You can use filters, sort through breakdowns and more options to understand how your ads are performing. You can even share or export them for your team or client to see. 


Facebook ads manager can only be used to manage ads, ads are a piece of content that you can pay to promote a certain product or service.

What is Facebook Business Manager?

Think of your Facebook Business Manager as a house for your business. Each room in the house is dedicated to each asset in your business. 


Graphic that depicts Facebook Business Manager as a house

Everything is connected and under the roof of your business manager, including your ads manager. 


Business manager assets
If you have a business on Facebook, chances are that you’ve created an ads manager without creating a Business Manager account. So yes, it is possible to have one without the other, but it’s a good idea to manage everything from one place. 
You can access your Facebook Business Manager tools (including the ads manager) in the Tools menu

What’s The Difference Between Facebook Ads Manager And Facebook Business Manager?


The main difference between ads manager and business manager is this: 

    • Ads manager is a place for ads only. You can use it to create, edit and analyze ads. 
    • The business manager is a place that combines several Facebook tools, including the ads manager. 

Which One Should I Have?

You can have one without the other, or both at once! 

We recommend that you have a business manager that has the ads manager set up within it

This will keep all of your tools in one place and make your life easier. If you’re not quite ready for ads yet, you don’t have to start running them right away!


How Do I Start Using Facebook Business Manager?

Here is Facebook’s instructions for creating a business manager account: 

  1. Go to business.facebook.com/overview.
  2. Click Create Account.
  3. Enter a name for your business, your name and work email address and click Next.
  4. Enter your business details and click Submit.
To access Facebook Business Manager, 

1. Navigate to business.facebook.com.  

If you see this view, you’re looking at the Business Suite... It’s a simplified version of business manager but doesn’t have all the same features. To get all of the tools and settings you need, you’ll still need to go to the Business Manager.


If you see this view, you're looking at the Business Suite. This is the updated version of the Business Manager that will one day replace it, but it’s still in the making. To get all of the tools and settings you need, you’ll still need to go to the Business Manager.

2. Hover over the Give Feedback option on the bottom left corner and select Switch to Business Manager. 


Hover over the Give Feedback option on the bottom left corner and select Switch to Business Manager.

3. If ever you prefer the Business Suite, you can easily find it in the Manage Page menu of your Facebook page. 


If ever you prefer the Business Suite, you can easily find it in the Manage Page menu of your Facebook page.

This is what the homepage of your Business Manager should look like. 


This is what the homepage of your Business Manager should look like.

You’ll be able to see all of your ad accounts on this page, and the name of your business will be in the top left corner under Home

Don’t make this mistake: You should only ever have one Business Manager per Business. This will keep your data, ads and pages separate. 

Business Settings

1. In your Business Manager, click on the hamburger icon in the top left, you can access the All Tools menu.


In your Business Manager, click on the hamburger icon in the top left, you can access the All Tools menu

2. Click on the Business Settings button, which will bring you to… you guessed it! Business Settings!

How to Easily Get Back to Business Settings


In order to easily get back to business settings, you’ll want to bookmark this page by following these steps:

1. Click on the star icon in the far right side of your search bar.


Your business setting will be in the Facebook Business Manager menu under "Tools"

2. A menu will drop down, allowing you to click Add bookmark

3. Name the bookmark and find it under your search bar by clicking on the >> icon underneath your search bar.


You can add the Facebook business manager settings to your shortcuts under your searchbar

If you would like it to be among the visible bookmarks under your search bar, you can drag it out of the >> menu and into that section. 

You can also have it show up under your Google search bar as a by clicking on the + icon marked as Add shortcut. You can have up to ten shortcuts, so use them wisely! 

Adding Users to Facebook Business Manager


Everything in your Business Manager is private. The only people who can see it are those who have access (either employee, admin or partner access if you’re working with a marketing agency).

If your Business Manager is a house, think of your Business Settings Page as the front door. Anyone who is added to your Business Manager has the key to access the front door into that room. 

1. Navigate to the Business Manager Settings by clicking on the hamburger menu in the top left of Facebook Business Manager and clicking on Business settings.


Navigate to the Business Manager Settings by clicking on the hamburger menu in the top left of Facebook Business Manager and clicking on Business settings.

2. Under People, you can add users. 


Add users to your Facebook business manager by accessing the People section of your settings

When adding people, you can either give them Employee Access (access to tasks that you assign them) or Admin Access (full access to all parts of the Business Manager).


You can change the type of access that you grant to people you at to your Business Manager
If you’re working with an agency or another business, it’s best to add them in as partners. Do this by: 

1. Selecting Partners under Users in the Business Settings menu. 

2. From there, you can either Give a partner access to your assets or Ask a partner to share their assets

This is what the partners page looks like in Business Settings

3. If you give them access, you’ll be asked to enter their business ID, which they can find in the URL of their Business Manager after business_id= (ID number)

Your business ID would be like the address of your “house”, while your Ad Account ID would be the name of that room.

Adding Pages and Accounts to Facebook Business Manager

You’ll want to make sure that all of your Facebook Pages for your business are added. If not, follow these steps: 

1. Navigate to Business settings through Business Manager. 

2. In the menu on the right, click on Pages under Accounts.

To add pages, you can click on "Pages" in your business settings menu

3. Click on Add. A drop down menu will appear.


The "Add" button has a dropdown next to the search bar in the pages section of the Facebook Business Manager Settings. Click on it to manage pages

4. Add a page you already own or have access to by clicking Add a Page or request access to one by clicking Request access to a Page. To create a new one, click Create a new Page

Add your Instagram account(s) by clicking on Instagram Accounts under Accounts and clicking on Add


Add instagram accounst in the your Facebook Business Manager Settings under "accounts"

Adding Ad Accounts to Your Facebook Business Manager

1. Click on Ad Accounts under Accounts. From there, you’ll be able to add your Ad Account ID.


The ad accounts under accounts in the Facebook Busines manager settings

2. To find your Ad Account ID, navigate to your Ads Manager.

3. Confirm that this is the Ad Account that you would like to add. You can use the dropdown menu next to Campaigns on the top left  to change between ad accounts.

4. The URL of this page should look something like this: 


The letters act stand for account. You’ll find your Ad Account ID number after “act=”.  


Your Facebook Ad account number can be found in your browser in when on the opening page of your Ad Manager

How do I Start Runnning Facebook Ads?

How Do I Create and Access My Facebook Ads Manager?

1. Create a Facebook Business Page if you don’t already have one. A business page will automatically come with an Ads Manager account. 

2. We recommend that you create a Facebook Business Manager Account so that you can manage everything in one place! 

3. Simply go to business.facebook.com/overview and click Create Account

4. Enter your business details and click Submit

5. Confirm your account information in your ad account settings

6. Choose your payment method. 

7. Access the ads manager from the Business Manager 


    • Click on the menu hamburger icon on the top right to open the All Tools menu. 


    • Click on the Ads Manager button. 
To access the Ads Manager from your Facebook page:

In the top right corner, you’ll find a menu icon that you can open to find the Create section.

The ads manager button is located in the menu on the left side of your Facebook Business Manager

In this section, you’ll find the Ad button which will bring you to the Ads Manager.


To access a less in depth version of the Ads Manager: 

Click on the AdCenter under Manage Page (menu on the right hand side). 


You can access Facebook Ads Manager through your Facebook Business Page by clicking on the top right menu, and then on "ad" under "create"

This will bring you to the Ad Center, a simplified version of Ads Manager. The ads you run here will also appear in Ads Manager. 

We recommend that you use the full version by following the steps above instead. Here are the features that you can find in Ads Manager and not in Ad Center: 


    • A mobile app dedicated to the ads manager. On mobile, you can only access Ad Center though your Facebook App.
    • Ads created in Ads Manager cannot be seen in Ads Center. 
    • The ability to create ads. Ad Center only shows results form “boosted posts”.


This image shows the ad center, a less in depth version of Ads Manager
What is a boosted post? Don’t confuse running ads with boosting posts. Although it technically is an ad, it’s different from a Facebook ad. You are able to boost posts from your ads manager or from your Facebook page, but you can’t run ads without using the ads manager. 

Learn more on their differences, pros and cons and when to use either one in our article: Boost Post vs Facebook Ads Manager (side by side comparison). 

How Do I Create a Facebook Ad Campaign?

In 2022, this is what the ads manager should look like:
You can start by clicking Create + and following each step to customize your ads. 
Facebook ads manager can only be used to manage ads, ads are a piece of content that you can pay to promote a certain product or service.

Make sure you have the following in order to run ads properly: 

If you don’t know what these are, you want to learn more or you need help setting them up, simply click on each link! 




So there you have it! If there’s anything you should take away, it’s this:

    • Facebook Ads Manager is a place where you can create, manage and analyze your ads. 
    • Facebook Business Manager is a place where you can manage all aspects of your business. 
    • Your business manager is like a house with several rooms. One of those rooms could be your ads manager (you can access the ads manager through the business manager).
    • You can have an ads manager without a business manager and vice-versa. 

If you have any questions, comments you would like to have a helping hand in your online marketing journey, feel free to join our Facebook group: All Things Facebook Ads. 



About The Author:
Sydney Switser

Sydney Switser

Facebook ad specialist

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